Fitness Notes # 3 : Kettlebell Swing Technique & Styles

Watch the athlete below performing the 2-handed kettlebell swing. Notice how he creates a sharp exhale when he stands up, and is in a tall “plank position” at the top of the swing. This is what we’re referring to when we say “stand tall at the top!” Try to focus on the standing (top) position when you work on your swings this week.

The swing in the video above is an example of what’s called hardstyle kettlebell training. There are other ways to practice kettlebell movements, like the swing. The other main kettlebell training methodology is called kettlebell sport (or “girevoy”). Kettlebell sport athletes compete and aim to do as many reps of a certain technique as possible in a given amount of time. Their goal is to be as efficient as possible since they are working for a significant duration of time. 

Hardstyle training is less efficient. You create more tension and use a more compressed breath. You do more work with less volume in this style—the sharper breath and full-body tension increases your heart rate quickly and you must work harder to perform fewer reps. 

Observe the two styles in the video below. Try to notice the differences and similarities between these two athletes. You’ll notice more movement in the knees and a “softer,” less rigid position in the Sport athlete (left) than the Hardstyle one (right). Despite these differences, you’ll see that both athletes have similar timing. See how they wait for the bell to come to their hips before sitting back? At Devilfish Athletics, we use a variety of drills that help you improve your timing. Regardless of which style you prefer, timing is key!